
What’s your greatest weakness | Interview tips

Have you ever been interviewed for a job and asked, “What’s your greatest weakness?” Of course you have. We all have. It’s one of those furniture-piece questions that interviewers love to throw out there. (It should be thrown out, period.)

the weakest link

Some interview coaches might tell you to turn the question around so that your “weakness” is really a positive. “I work too hard,” or “I care too much about details.” Say that to your interviewer and wait for that expression that says, “Yeah, right.”


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Don’t be negative | Interview Tips

One of the most common interview questions — and one that easily trips up many candidates — is a simple one: “Why did you leave your previous employer?”

People leave jobs or look for another position while still employed for myriad reasons. Some are admirable, such as having a desire to take on new challenges and grow professionally. Some are innocuously unavoidable, such as moving due to a spouse’s relocation or to care for aging relatives.

But many times we look for a new job for the same reasons that some couples seek a divorce: irreconcilable differences. So, when it comes to that question during the interview, the candidate will have an urge to speak the truth: “My old boss was a jerk.”

Never a good idea, even if your previous supervisor was, in fact, Attila the Hun.


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